Tuesday, May 11, 2010

INDONEST.net ???? bird's nest - how to buy guide in chinese

Friday, October 23, 2009

走私燕窝成行业潜规则 广州同种燕窝价差7千


“Tuesday, October 13, 2009
走私燕窝成行业潜规则 广州同种燕窝价差7千

新快报记者 邱春燕





  早前,海关总署缉私局与最高人民检察院、最高人民法院联合查办了一起涉案7亿多元的燕窝走私案。据深圳媒体报道,这起走私案最早由深圳海关缉私局获得线索,由此牵出一个家族式“水客”走私集团。据该报道,该走私犯罪团伙自2007年3月至案发,仅一年时间共计走私进口燕窝5.6万斤,涉案案值7 亿元,偷逃应缴税款2.26亿元,涉及“水客”200余名。此案也由此成为全国海关查办的最大一起燕窝走私案。









  这些还只是不同区域所产燕窝的大体价格比较,涉及到燕窝的具体价格,也出现了同类产品价差颇大的现象。有的经销商表示,即使是碎燕窝,价格也绝对不止3400元/斤,更不用说盏形完整的金丝燕窝了。而记者咨询多家贸易商行的金丝燕窝后发现,价格相差巨大,其中以每斤5000元左右的居多,价格在 6000—8000元/斤的相对略少。

  记者同时还参考了香港品牌燕窝“盏记燕窝”和“楼上燕窝庄”的价格,发现以斤为单位计金丝燕窝价格均在万元以上。楼上燕窝庄的一名销售人员告诉记者,一般来说,因关税原因,香港地区的燕窝已经到了比较便宜的价位,价格约比内地同等燕窝要少10%—15%。即使在香港,金丝燕窝的价格最低也在 8000—9000元左右。


http://finance.jrj.com.cn/consumer/2009/03/2409383918529.shtml” posted by www.yongkangbirdnest.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pure Birdnest and its Prospects by University

How To Be An Expert in Choosing Pure Edible Birdnest

Saturday, August 08, 2009

What is 100% Pure Bird's Nest?

Dear Friends,

Do you know what is 100% Pure Bird's Nest?

Last week i was referred by Dr Yahasmidah to a company who involved in birdnest cleaning process in Sungai Buluh,Selangor. I visited and checked the process of cleaning methods; I found the process as normal as others birdnest cleaning process plants i.e they are processing genuine white bird's nests. They try hard to maintain the original shape of the nests and forgo the purity of the nests. They left many fine feathers behind the nests. Feathers were containing arsenics. It made the birdnest unpure.

I was told another major issue of the rejection was the total plate count. What is this? It means when counting the bacteria, it exceeded the limits. Why total plate coount? The process is mean for export purposes. Just to prove goods export is free from bacteria and viruses.

Procedure conducting the the is as follow: Take samples about 25 grams, together with Borang MVKJB/KAV01 and send to Veterinary Department for E coli count,Coliform count,Salmonella sp count and Staph. aureus count...Heatlth Certificate will be given upon satisfaction results.

I was told the tests failed 5 out of 5 times sampling tests. What is the issues then?

Yes, they are one of the ignorant processors who learned the technology from unqualifed masters. They were taught to remove feathers and keep the shape of nest as original as possible,so as to look nice. But what about hygenic factors? They ignored the presence of bacterias and viruses, heavy metals,contaminants...

Further to my investigations, some samples tested by Permulab Sdn Bhd shown that, the protein level dropped from 57.4% to 3.02 %. What has happened? The result shown a sharp drop of protein...why? Further investigation shown the use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 as bleaching agents. It bleached away amino acids,good minerals, epidermic growth factors,antioxidants,etc...?? Modern Swiflet nest Processors are advised not to use any chemicals in the processing. It served no purpose.

I was told the buyers from Hong Kong ask local processors to spray about 250gram of water to 750 gram of nests justto facilitate easy packaging. But this unhygenic practices create a good environment for yeast and molds growth. If yeast and mold grown, then Boric Acids, Potasssium Sulphide,Sodium benzote,and others preservatives were used. This preservatives if consumed daily will hardened our liver and caused cancer. So, do you know why 100% purity of birdnest is important?

Conclusion for 100% Pure Bird Nest:

1. Pure heart: (always put consumers health at priority.)
2. Free from bleaching agent:(soluble amino acids, minerals... will retained)
3. Free from preservatives:(prevent cancer of liver...)
4. No additives added: (to provide pure birdnest)
5. Test for bacteria and virus counts
6. Moisture content should be less than 10%
7. Free from feathers,and other contaminants and heavy metals like mercury, lead,arsenic,chromium,ferrous(ferric),cadmium etc...

Good Luck


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Edible Bird's Nest Inhibit Influenza

Dear Friends,

Good news, another research shown that edible bird nest inhibit influenza. Please read article extracted from journals.

"A very good and confirmed research article by reknown international medical authority on the EBN's health value. Recommended to be included in the report for the presentation papers to cabinet.

Edible bird's nest extract inhibits influenza virus infection.

Guo CT, Takahashi T, Bukawa W, Takahashi N, Yagi H, Kato K, Hidari KI, Miyamoto D, Suzuki T, Suzuki Y. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16581142

Department of Biochemistry, University of Shizuoka, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and COE Program in the 21st century, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 422-8526, Japan.

Edible bird's nest (EBN) is the nest of the swift that is made from its saliva. Although EBN has been widely used for enhancing immunocompetence, its antiviral efficacy has not been studied in detail. We found that EBN extract could strongly inhibit infection with influenza viruses in a host range-independent manner when it was hydrolyzed with Pancreatin F. Western blotting assay showed that the EBN extract bound to influenza virus. Furthermore, EBN extract could neutralize the infection of MDCK cells with influenza viruses and inhibit hemagglutination of influenza viruses to erythrocytes, but it could not inhibit the activity of influenza virus sialidase. Fluorometric HPLC indicated that the major molecular species of sialic acid in EBN is N-acetylneuraminic acid. The results suggest that EBN is a safe and valid natural source for the prevention of influenza viruses
